All day:
No, you cannot have all of my writing utensils.
No, you cannot draw your pseudo gang signs on my board.
No, you cannot tell us about your aunt's vomiting dog.
No, you cannot talk to your friend who is waiting outside the classroom about her drama.
No, you cannot have all of my tape so you can tape together my expo pens into a gigantic bouquet.
And then I get home and I’m just like:
It’s a bit shameful how little will I have to deal with my real kids and all of the stuff that makes life go ‘round in our home eco system.
Seemingly simple to-do lists get thrown into the recycling bin of my mind’s desktop and I want to sit on the dang couch, eat some cookie butter, and check my social media. Something about being demanded all of the time by very insistent humans saps my ability to Yes.
Luckily, Amaya and Mozely find that taking first, asking later, is the way of dealing with me. I’m raising real problem solvers. Complex thinkers. Future criminals, probably.
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